
March 28, 2010

Break the Rules

hmmm it's been a month after i back to work from my chinese new year break. argh life is hectic here :( hell a lot of deadlines. kinda emo for the past few weeks, feeling lost, don't really know what's the next step ...

thanks beelin & caryn for a good talk and companion. i think i found the solution :)

won't write long for this post, wasn't feeling good, i have 3 ulcers now and seem like i'm getting sick very soon. i try to drink liter and liter of water, hope it helps.

found something nice to share when i was clearing the papers on my office table, hope you guys like it. and let's work hard!

life is short
break the rules
kiss passionately, love truly
laugh constantly
and never stop smiling
no matter how strange life is
life is not always the party we expected to be
but as long as we are here, we should smile and
be grateful

put your very best effort in whatever you are doing, apparently you will get paid for your hard work, is just the matter of time ;)

cheers! happy monday!

tips: if one day, you are like me, feeling lost. why don't just sit down quietly by yourself, write whatever your feeling is on a piece of paper, like what you want now and how you plan to get what you want. you will make yourself clearer what you want and feel there's something you hoping for. live life with hopes ;)